I was terrified to leave corporate to start a business, but I knew something had to change.

Today, I’m sharing with you Catherine’s story. A fellow mom who was completely fed up with what working outside the home was doing to her budding little family so she made a move.

Leaving Corporate to Start a Business

Can you relate to stepping out of your comfort zone?

Throughout my marketing career in predominantly male-driven industries, I blazed a trail for fellow ambitious individuals who understood that authenticity was the ultimate strategy for success with both small and large brands. I felt at the forefront of a revolution that would challenge conventional marketing wisdom. While jet-setting frequently and climbing the corporate ladder diligently, I explored every avenue. Yet, a lingering sense of incompleteness began to creep in.

My choice to pursue a corporate career

I got married young, at 23, and divorced by 26. Children were never in my plans. Growing up poor, my mother, a single parent of two, faced hardships. I witnessed how the corporate world looked down on mothers needing flexibility. Being taken seriously in corporate settings was already a struggle. Climbing the ladder demanded immense effort. Freshly divorced, children were out of the question. Yet, that persistent yearning lingered on.

By my late twenties, I noticed an increasing trend of working mothers departing from corporate roles, and the reasons behind their choices became evident. I began sensing a yearning within me, a deep-seated desire for the experience of motherhood that I had always craved. Witnessing other mothers finding fulfillment stirred similar aspirations within me. While the thought of leaving my corporate job seemed unimaginable, the profound connections forged through motherhood underscored the significance of the sacrifices willingly and frequently made.

Jumping into motherhood, I found myself in a new chapter.

Remarrying my high school friend and sharing the dream of building a family together. With swollen feet and a growing belly, I commuted to a job I adored. I pledged to maintain my love for travel, my dedication to work, and to continue living at full speed. But let’s be real, fellow moms, who was I kidding? Life post-kids is a whole new adventure, one that changes everything.

A few months later, when that little bundle of joy arrived with a head full of dark black hair, I found myself melting into a puddle of emotions. Ah, this was the experience that all the new moms had spoken about! In that moment and the months that followed, my priorities underwent a complete transformation. My daughter faced numerous early challenges beyond the usual care newborns require. Born small, she had a milk allergy, reflux causing colic, and even battled RSV during a harsh winter. It became a running joke, though not one to be taken lightly, that I would have lived in a cardboard box to avoid being separated from my baby. However, reality beckoned, and after just nine short weeks, I had to return to work.

The juggling act began when I returned to my corporate job.

To say that the idea of choosing to leave corporate to start a business crossed my mind frequently would be an understatement. I meticulously analyzed our finances in every possible way to figure out how I could spend more time at home with her. Sadly, it just wasn’t feasible. Eventually, she had to spend five days a week in daycare, and she fell ill constantly. Can you imagine the heart-wrenching feeling of receiving a call that your baby is unwell while you’re an hour away? It’s truly heart-wrenching.

I experienced that familiar tug-of-war that all mothers face between work and life. Some days work took the lead, while on others, life won the battle. However, during that period, life needed to triumph more frequently. I had this tiny, dependent baby who needed my presence, and I longed to be by her side. I felt a mix of frustration, invisibility, unfulfillment, loss, and being trapped. All these emotions swirled in my mind.

The thrill of stepping into entrepreneurship

Having been deeply entrenched in a technical role, I yearned for the lighter aspects of marketing. I sensed the transformative power that awaited if I dared to venture into starting my own business, possibly bidding farewell to the corporate realm. As I dipped my toes into the waters of entrepreneurship, a glimpse of the life I could sculpt as my own boss emerged.

Embarking on my business journey demanded increased effort, yet my spirit burned brightly. The prospect of more moments with my family impelled me to chase my aspirations. My side project was stoking a fervor within me that had long been dormant. It was evident – I was following the path that resonated with my very core.

The internal struggle commenced when I made the decision to depart from my corporate role.

Simultaneously, my corporate job appeared to be on a downward trajectory. I found myself frustrated for not adapting better to motherhood and for underestimating the challenges of being a working mom. The regret of missing out on precious time with my family weighed heavily on me. My corporate job’s rigidity also fueled my resentment, along with the unkind treatment from other women who turned our workplace into a competitive arena with tight deadlines.

My departure from the corporate world was not of my choosing. I was overwhelmed with emotions – hurt, betrayed, shocked, angry, and defeated. Doubts about the quality of my work and my own worth plagued my mind. Despite feeling inadequate, a sense of readiness to emerge stronger from the experience, akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes, started to take root within me.

According to the World Economic Forum, numerous women are contemplating leaving their jobs due to insufficient support. I invite you to explore a blog post shedding light on this issue and proposing solutions. The contemplation of many multicultural women to exit corporate roles within the next two years is a topic worth delving into.

The decision to leave corporate and start a business has proven to be immensely rewarding.

This journey into entrepreneurship wasn’t a swift accomplishment, devoid of tears. However, the truth remains – bidding farewell to corporate life unfolded as a remarkable blessing in disguise!

The passion that fueled my transformation led me to fully embrace my dream. I chose not to conceal my dismissal from the corporate sphere, my occasional use of colorful language as a mom, or my unwavering prioritization of motherhood. I confronted the shame head-on, opting for a life crafted intentionally each day. The most gratifying aspect? This journey is intertwined with moments of joy, laughter, and shared picnics with my daughter.

My past struggles have now become the foundation of my advocacy. I am deeply devoted to empowering women with a spark to wholeheartedly pursue their aspirations beyond the confines of corporate life. Encouraging vulnerability in the pursuit of their dreams, fostering self-assurance, and facilitating their transformation into fearless entrepreneurs are the cornerstones of my mission. I aim to guide them towards embracing their authentic selves, sharing their narratives, and ultimately, cultivating the confidence to embark on their unique entrepreneurial journeys.